Thursday, February 8, 2007


Well, that worked well.

    The comment was meant to be posted to this post, and I managed to post it using the commenter's usual identification when she comments here. I can't unfortunately, confirm the problem of no verification script because the owner of the blog is not required to go through the verification process when commenting on her own blog. I will mention the problem to Blogger.
    I'll have more to say on this subject, later...not in response to the comment, as I can verify, from my own experience, everything Patty has said, including the internal roiling and the external aggressiveness that overtake caregivers...rather in response to having watched, with much enjoyment and appreciation, the outrageous Sarah Silverman (click that last link with care, it's a MySpace's hilarious to think that Sarah Silverman has a MySpace site) Jesus is Magic. The DVD of the show contains two segments that tickled my previous thinking about this subject of The Old, the evidence that indicates they are marginalized (we don't joke about them, although Sarah Silverman does, thank the gods, and we don't joke about caregivers to The Old, either) and what all this means, you know, etcetera...

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