Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Still catching up...

...which is becoming a "catch"-22, as, the more I catch up, the more stuff I think to post. But, oh well, I've heard the way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time...seems appropriate to what I'm trying to do here, with a slight modification: a continually growing elephant.
    This first catch up is meant to bring your attention to the third E[xcellent] E[ssay] guest hosted at The Unforgettable Fund, published yesterday, written by Bert Piedmont. Bert is the author of yet another noteworthy journal, Had a Dad (intriguingly accurate name), in the loose and unofficial Online Alzheimer's Journaling Community (of which she recently admitted to me she was unaware...that's how loose and unofficial it is; it's possible I'm the only one who recognizes it). One of the unique aspects of her journal is that she often writes while jumping off the ledges provided by bits of information in the media about different aspects of Alzheimer's. It's yet another journal that features the hard, unvarnished truth; and another I've added to my Honorable Alzheimer's Blogs section to the right. Yes, I changed the name, a few weeks ago, from "Caregiver" to "Alzheimer's". It wouldn't be beyond my desires to also set up a links section for homegrown, online journals detailing the journeys of caregivers/carers and their beloved Ancient Ones, like myself and my mother, who are dealing with intense needs care issues excluding Alzheimer's and including other types and levels of dementia and other circumstances, as well. I have yet to run across any. If you visit here and know of or are writing one, let me know, I'll jump over, check it out, and maybe refurbish and reinstitute the title Honorable Caregiver Blogs.

Originally posted by Gevera Bert Piedmont })i({: Thu Apr 19, 07:53:00 AM 2007

Thank you for the kind words on my blog. The title comes from a Jane's Addiction song. It just seemed appropriate. "I had a dad, big & strong, turned around and found my daddy gone. He was the one who made me what I am today. It's up to me now, my daddy has gone away."
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