Sunday, May 6, 2007


I just finished updating...

...Movies, Mom & Me. Each time I update that section, I shudder over how many movies we own, simultaneously reflecting on how many movies we rent, as well.
    Strange, I never thought we'd get this involved with movies at home. I even put off getting a DVD player for us for a loooong time, because it just didn't seem as though we'd ever watch many movies at home. I just performed a casual counting which includes those dvds I've separated from the rest for eventual trade back and also includes a count of "1" on multi-dvded TV series and documentary productions. We've got 226 titles, assuming my count was accurate. I've watched all at least once...Mom's watched most at least once. Yikes! Got me to thinking that movies are becoming a bit like reading to one's care recipient used to be, except that I read to Mom, too, almost every evening, and she also reads to herself; and, more and more, I'm also reading to myself. Amazing what you can do when you live in Timelessness!

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